🏔️ DAY 15: Resume: Formatting best practices 🏔️

Let's prep this thing

Happy Sunday! In our last three posts, we’ve talked about the most important sections of the resume: education, experience, and additional information. Today we’re putting it all together and talking about formatting the resume.

Let's start!

🏔️ Here are best practices to keep in mind when formatting your resume: 🏔️

  • Consistency is the most important

    • Example: If every time you say the time length of an internship as “Month Year – Month Year” then every single experience should have the same formatting (same type of dash, same space between the dash, etc.)

  • You should always be sending/submitting your resume in PDF format

  • Use Times New Roman or Arial, size 11 or 12

  • Capitalize, bold, and underline section headings (education, experience, etc.)

    • Example: EDUCATION

  • You should have a header at the top of your resume with your name, phone number, email address, and mailing address.

    • Example:

Alexandra (Alex) Smith

+1-123-456-7891 :: [email protected] :: 1 Letter Way, Rhode Island 12345

Congratulations! Combined with our prior posts about resumes, you now have everything you need to complete your resume!

Tomorrow we will be wrapping up your resume...we will see you then!

–Team @ Intern From Home


Internship of the day

MyWellbeing: Marketing Intern (Due June 6th)
