⛰️ DAY 5: Cover letter fun ⛰️

You're a catch, let it show

Welcome back! Our last edition in the course talked about how a resume and cover letter are “ingredients” you need to apply to roles. Today’s post gets you one step closer to that cover letter!

Start timer…

At the end of the day, companies like hiring interns/full time employees who:

⛰️ Have a clear passion for the company, team, and what they do

⛰️ Prove that they want to commit themselves to the company

⛰️ Have relevant skills/knowledge to the role they’re seeking

    Even without any formal work experience, you likely have all of these traits! To help you think about this, we have 10 questions for you to ponder. For the questions where you have thoughts, we suggest you write them down.

    1. What clubs am/was I involved in at school? Which ones bring me the most energy?

    2. What was the last time I felt excited reading something? What was the source/author of it?

    3. Do moments come to mind where I had to work hard to solve a difficult problem or to overcome a challenge?

    4. When I feel happiest, what am I doing?

    5. What was the last time I was talking to a friend or family member about a job and I thought “I want to do that!”?

    6. When I’m on social media, what captivates my attention and why?

    7. Do I play any instruments or take part in performances? What have these shown me about my values?

    8.  In which activities that I do does it feel like time just flies by?

    9.  What sports do I like? How do I feel about the team dynamics of them (if applicable)?

    10.  Have I felt jealous about someone else’s work position in the past? What was the role and what about it excited me?

    Want more questions to ponder? Check out this post. We’ll be spending more time on the cover letter in tomorrow's post... get excited!

    –Team @ Intern From Home


    Internship of the day 

    MyWellbeing: Marketing Intern (Due June 6th)
