Day 1: What's an internship?

Learn about all the benefits there are to doing an internship!

WELCOME! From the team at Intern From Home, we are so thrilled to have you joining us for a month-long course about how to get an internship or job.

Here’s how the course will work: every day of May, we’ll send you an email that will take you one step closer towards getting a role. It will only take 30 seconds to read each day… and we mean it!

Before we dive into today’s topic, we invite you to please share feedback with us! Got design ideas? Suggestions of how to improve our tips? Please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll be reading what you write to us very closely… oh and we’re also known to send Starbucks gift cards to those who share feedback with us :)

Without further ado, let’s jump in. Start the timer…

🏖️ What really is an internship? 🏖️

An internship is a short-term (4-12 weeks, depending on the company) way to learn about an industry, specific role, and your personal passions and motivations… all while contributing to a company and developing mentors and relevant experience that helps build your resume and LinkedIn!

🌅 The benefits to doing an internship 🌅

  1. See what work actually looks like

  2. Understand the type of work that excites you when you do it for many hours in a row

  3. Learn about an industry in a way that would never be possible, even if you spent 24-7 doing Google research on it

  4. Develop deep professional relationships that can help you get your next internship or job

  5. Get a name/title to add to your resume

🌊 Why internships are a pressure-free way to try a role 🌊

  1. You don’t have to like your internship… in fact, you can hate it!

  2. An internship doesn’t have to be your life’s calling… it’s just a starting point

  3. You don’t have to intern again or work full-time at the company where you intern

Do you have more questions about any of these points? In this post, we share details about everything described above!

We’ll see you again tomorrow! In the meanwhile, please send us an email and let us know what you thought of this post!

–Team @ Intern From Home